Thursday, July 19, 2007

Ok this is how it started...

So my friend Ange is at the pharmacy waiting for her perscription to be filled and is passing time shopping around the market. While standing in the energy drink/magazine aisle, a glass bottle shimmy's itself to the edge of the shelf and basically...this sounds weird...explodes. Glass shards fly through the air and hit Ange in the face. Cutting her nose and forehead. Bloody mess ensues. Fortunately, she IS at a pharmacy and they manage to patch her up. A couple of days later I get an email from Ange saying, "did I tell you about my freak accident at the pharmacy?". I find the strangest things funny and now I have adopted that odd phrase as the title of this blog. A blog about freaky (in a good way) things that typically DON'T happen at the pharmacy (not ordinarily). But back to Ange...problem being is now she has scars and needs someone to pay for the expense of restoring her cutey face back to its original non-scarred status. The pharmacy and the drink people are balking. So this is a LOUD cry to boycott HiBall energy drinks!! At least until they cough up some dough.

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